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Angular is a development platform, built on TypeScript. As a platform, Angular includes:

  • A component-based framework (i.e., Model View Component or MVC) for building scalable web applications
  • A collection of well-integrated libraries (i.e., routing, HTTP, validation, etc.) that cover a wide variety of features, including routing, forms management, client-server communication, and more
  • A suite of developer tools (i.e., testing tools, build, run, etc.) to help you develop, build, test, and update your code

With Angular, you're taking advantage of a platform that can scale from single-developer projects to enterprise-level applications. Angular is designed to make updating as straightforward as possible, so take advantage of the latest developments with minimal effort. Best of all, the Angular ecosystem consists of a diverse group of over 1.7 million developers, library authors, and content creators.



To develop applications using the Angular framework, a prerequisite is to possess a proficient understanding of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and TypeScript. These fundamental web technologies form the building blocks for Angular development.


HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is a standard markup language used for creating web pages. It employs a set of tags and attributes to structure and present content on the web. HTML documents consist of elements enclosed in opening and closing tags, allowing the definition of headings, paragraphs, images, links, tables, forms, and more. Learn HTML


Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language used to define the visual appearance and presentation of HTML and XML documents. It allows web developers to separate the content and structure of a webpage from its design, enabling them to specify colors, fonts, spacing, positioning, and other visual properties. CSS works by selecting HTML elements and applying styles to them, either inline, within the HTML document, or in external CSS files. Learn CSS


JavaScript is a versatile and widely used programming language that enables dynamic behavior and interactivity on web pages. It allows developers to create interactive elements, manipulate and modify content, handle events, and communicate with servers. JavaScript is primarily executed on the client-side, meaning it runs in the web browser, providing the ability to respond to user actions in real-time without requiring page reloads Learn JavaScript


TypeScript is a programming language that extends the capabilities of JavaScript by adding static typing to it. It provides developers with optional type annotations, which enable the specification of the data types of variables, function parameters, and return values. This allows for early error detection and improved code reliability. TypeScript code is transpiled into JavaScript, making it compatible with existing JavaScript environments and enabling developers to leverage modern JavaScript features while benefiting from the added type checking and enhanced tooling support offered by TypeScript. Learn TypeScript

Environment & Tools

To develop applications using the Angular framework, you'll need a computer or laptop that meets the system requirements and has the necessary software, tools, and configurations to build, test, and debug Angular applications locally. This can be achieved through various means, such as using a physical machine, a Mac, or a virtual machine. For example, you can utilize Windows Subsystem for Linux running AlmaLinux 9 as the underlying operating system. WSL provides a compatibility layer that allows running Linux distributions on Windows, while AlmaLinux is a Linux distribution known for its stability and compatibility.


Node.js is an open-source, server-side JavaScript runtime environment built on the Chrome V8 JavaScript engine. It allows developers to execute JavaScript code outside of a web browser, making it possible to run JavaScript on servers and build scalable and high-performance network applications. Node.js provides an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it efficient and suitable for handling concurrent requests. It also offers a rich set of built-in modules and a vast ecosystem of third-party libraries, enabling developers to easily create web servers, APIs, real-time applications, command-line tools, and more using JavaScript.

To install the latest version of Node.js on AlmaLinux 9:

sudo dnf install nodejs -y


Node Package Manager (NPM) is a package manager for JavaScript and Node.js. It is a command-line tool that simplifies the process of installing, managing, and sharing reusable code packages or modules. NPM allows developers to easily incorporate third-party libraries and frameworks into their projects, saving time and effort in writing code from scratch.

To install the latest version of NPM on AlmaLinux 9:

sudo dnf install npm -y

Local vs global package scope

Local NPM packages are project-specific dependencies, confined to a particular directory, while global packages are installed at the system level and accessible across projects. Using the -g command will configure the package scope to globhal thus use this with caution.

Update to the latest version of NPM on AlmaLinux 9:

sudo npm install -g npm@latest

List installed packages:

npm list

Install packge(s):

npm install <package> <package> <package>

Uninstall packge(s):

npm uninstall <package> <package> <package>

Update package(s):

npm update <package> <package> <package>

Clean and install project dependencies based on the package-lock.json file:

npm ci

Angular CLI

The Angular CLI (Command Line Interface) is a powerful tool that simplifies and automates various development tasks when working with the Angular framework. It provides a command-line interface for creating, managing, and building Angular projects effortlessly. The Angular CLI streamlines the process of generating components, services, modules, and other project structures, reducing manual effort and ensuring consistent code organization. It also facilitates quick scaffolding of boilerplate code, running tests, serving the application locally for development, and bundling the code for deployment. With its extensive set of commands and options, the Angular CLI enhances developer productivity and helps maintain best practices while working on Angular projects.

To install the Angular CLI NPM package globally on AlmaLinux 9:

npm install -g @angular/cli

To see what version of the Angular CLI you are using:

ng version

The Angular CLI is considered one of the highlights of the Angular framework, making it highly recommended to explore the CLI Overview and Command Reference for detailed information on its usage.

Getting Started

Angular workspace

Angular versions

If you require a specific version of Angular, you have the option to utilize the --version switch. To illustrate, when working with Angular CLI and needing version 16.0.5, you can indicate this by specifying --version=16.0.5.

Create a new Angular workspace:

  • --standalone creates an application based upon the standalone API, without NgModules.
  • --inline-style include styles inline in the component TS file. By default, an external styles file is created and referenced in the component TypeScript file.
  • --inline-template include template inline in the component TS file. By default, an external template file is created and referenced in the component TypeScript file.
ng new <workspace-name> --standalone --inline-style --inline-template --skip-tests
  • Would you like to add Angular routing? (y/N): Y
  • Which stylesheet format would you like to use? (Use arrow keys): CSS

Navigate to your newly created Angular workspace directory:

cd <workspace-name>

Run your Angular application:

ng serve

Terminate your Angular application by pressing Ctrl+C.

Naming Convention

Files should use kebab-case (i.e., using hyphens to separate words) and should include their purpose or type, e.g., home-routing.module.ts, home.component.ts, home.component.scss, home.module.ts.

Classes should use TitleCase (i.e., all major words are capitalized, while minor words are lowercased) style with the added suffix representing your file type e.g., HomeComponent.

Everything else, such as methods and variables, should use camelCase (i.e., requires the first letter of every word to be capitalized except the first word). Private methods and variables can be prefixed with an underscore, e.g. _privateVariable.

Folder and File Structure

Feature based folder structure

core feature1 feature2 shared utils

The Angular CLI produces a workspace and a good suggested default layout. As such, we are mainly concerned about looking at the src/app folder, where all the actual logic is going to go.

├── angular.json
├── node_modules
├── package-lock.json
├── package.json
├── src
   ├── app
      ├── app.component.css
      ├── app.component.html
      ├── app.component.spec.ts
      ├── app.component.ts
      └── app.config.ts
      └── app.routes.ts
   ├── assets
   ├── favicon.ico
   ├── index.html
   ├── main.ts
   └── styles.css
├── tsconfig.json
└── tsconfig.spec.json

The Angular coding style guide outlines an opinionated guide to Angular syntax, conventions, and application structure. However, different projects will have different requirements, and the idea of one size fits all, like so many other things, simply wont always work.

At this point, I haven't developed a personal opinion on the ideal file and folder structure. However, I have found the video titled "How to structure your Angular apps like a Googler" ( quite insightful and appealing so far.

UI Frameworks

An Angular UI framework is a collection of pre-built user interface components, styles, and tools specifically designed to work seamlessly with Angular applications. These frameworks provide a set of reusable and customizable UI components that enable developers to quickly build interactive and visually appealing user interfaces for their Angular projects. Some popular Angular UI frameworks include Angular Material, PrimeNG, Nebular, and Clarity. I prefer using Tailwind CSS and Flowbite. Below, I will provide instructions on how to integrate them into your Angular workspace.

Tailwind CSS

Install Tailwind CSS with Angular:

npm install -D tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer

Initialize Tailwind CSS:

npx tailwindcss init

This command will create a default tailwind.config.js file in your workspace directory.

Configure content paths inside the tailwind.config.js file:

/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
module.exports = {
  content: [
  theme: {
    extend: {},
  plugins: [],

Add the Tailwind directives to your CSS:

@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;


Install the Flowbite NPM package:

npm install flowbite

Configure Tailwind CSS to use Flowbite:

/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
module.exports = {
  content: [
  theme: {
    extend: {},
  plugins: [

Add the Stylesheet and JavaScript code that powers Flowbite:

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">

  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <base href="/">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
  <link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="favicon.ico">
  <link href="" rel="stylesheet" />

<body class="bg-gray-50 dark:bg-gray-800">
  <script src=""></script>


A great starter template that you can use to copy HTML from is the Flowbite Admin Dashboard


ng new --standalone --inline-style 1 --inline-template 1



Last update: June 14, 2023
Created: June 8, 2023