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Welcome to my personal digital garden, where I share my knowledge on a wide range of topics, including health, technology, flight simulation, amateur radio, and Christianity.

Unlike traditional blogging, where articles are written and forgotten, the posts in this garden are treated as plants in different stages of growth and care. Some may wither and fade away, while others will thrive and become a valuable source of ongoing knowledge for both myself and the community that visits.

Exploring the garden

If this is your first visit, I extend a warm welcome! With the abundance of content available, it may be overwhelming to decide where to begin reading. I suggest starting with the first article that catches your attention in the navigation tree on the left. Be prepared to follow internal links to explore related topics and delve deeper into the garden.


If you come across any errors or wish to contribute new content, please feel free to make the necessary changes. You can use the edit button located in the top right corner of any article to submit your changes via a pull request. If you're unfamiliar with this process, you can always open an issue or send me an email.

Last update: June 10, 2023
Created: May 6, 2023